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How To Maintain Your Drain Cleaning Tools Properly

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It may seem like drain cleaning tools can be stored anywhere and don't have much maintenance required, but this isn't true. It is important that you keep them in good condition so you aren't stuck with a clogged sink and have to replace an auger due to inefficient maintenance and cleaning of the auger.

Here are some tips for storing and maintaining your drain cleaning tools:

How to Maintain Your Drain Cleaning Tools

The first thing you need to know is how to keep your drain cleaning tools properly cleaned and maintained. This will prolong their life so you aren't having to replace them prematurely. After using an auger, make sure you rinse it and disinfect it. Washing the cable of the auger with soap and hot water should be enough to disinfect it. Let it dry before putting the cable back into the base of the tool. Also follow these additional maintenance tips:

Lubricate your tools – If any part of the tools or mechanisms start to squeak, add some lubricant oil. This will be most important for any mechanisms that are made from metal. If you have a pipe cleaning tool with a long metal cable, it will get worn and rusty over time. Lubricating can make it work like new again. Don't apply too much oil or apply it too often, or you risk making it greasy.

Remove old oil and build-up – Aside from regular rinsing of your drain cleaning tools, they also need occasional scrubbing and more serious cleaning. Since you are applying lubricant oil, there might be oil build-up after several uses. You will need to remove the build-up with a cloth and soapy water. There might also be build-up from grime and anything you pulled up from the sink. Give your tools a deep cleaning on a regular basis.

How to Store Your Drain Cleaning Tools

The way you store your drain cleaning tools is also important for longevity. After you have washed the tools, make sure they are rinsed and dried thoroughly. If you leave water on the metal parts when they are stored, you may end up with rust and damaged mechanisms. Also follow these storage tips:

Wrap up tools – If you have smaller drain cleaning tools, try to wrap them up before storing them. This will keep them in good condition between uses. Since you are lubricating the tools, the oil could get on whatever you have in your cabinets in drawers. Place them I large storage bags that are labeled so it is easy to find them.

Retract the cables and cords – If your drain cleaning tool uses a cord or cable to remove blockages, make sure you retract it before storing it. Even if there is enough room in your cabinet to store it with the cable out, this could damage it.
