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Etiquette For Post Funeral Receptions

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By holding a post funeral reception, it allows family members and guests an opportunity to spend time together remembering the deceased in more relaxed surroundings. Many people are more comfortable sharing their feelings with others about the deceased when they're not in a more formal setting, such as at a funeral home.

At the same time, it's essential to understand just what the etiquette is on these occasions. While it's less formal than other aspects of a funeral, correct and respectful behavior is still expected.

What You Can Expect

The majority of post-funeral receptions take place at the family's home, although they are also sometimes held at places of worship, restaurants or social halls. In most cases, food and drink are served (usually as part of a buffet). Often, the family itself will provide the food and drink, although in some cases this will be supplied either by the local community or a church committee.

While a post funeral reception is more relaxed than the funeral itself, it is in many ways still a serious, somber occasion. When people are sharing happy memories of the deceased, the stories might make you and others want to laugh. At the same time, it's not a party, so you should restrain yourself just a bit. Follow the lead of the family hosting the funeral. If they are laughing and having a positive outlook, you might be able to feel more comfortable doing the same.

Remember as well, if alcohol is served, drink in moderation. Any children attending a post funeral reception should be on their best behavior.

What You Should Bring to a Post Funeral Reception

As stated above, often the family or the community will provide anything consumed at the post funeral reception. Of course, these customs vary from region to region, as well as by culture and religious beliefs. If you are wondering if you can contribute food or drink to the reception, asked the person who is organizing the event. Keep in mind that many religions and cultures do not allow alcoholic beverages at funerals.

How Long Should You Stay?

Again, you should inquire from the person organizing the reception whether they have a set time when things wrap up or if it's open-ended. Some post funeral gatherings do have ending times, while others do not. Aside from that, it's really up to you to decide how long you want to stay. If you do end up staying until the end, you might want to help with the cleanup.

Learn more about funeral etiquette by contacting local funeral homes such as Ridley Funeral Home.
