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3 Common Lighting Issues In Office Buildings

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If your office workers complain about the lighting in the building, you may want to hire a lighting consultant to perform an evaluation of your offices. During a lighting evaluation, the consultant will examine several different common lighting issues and will give you solutions for any problems he or she discovers.

Lighting Level

When the lighting in an office is not designed properly, it can cause employees to experience problems such as:

  • Eye irritation
  • Eyestrain
  • Difficulties seeing
  • Headaches

Your employees will not be able to perform their work efficiently if their eyes are constantly bothering them, and you may be able to improve the lighting simply by adding more lights.

Lighting consultants often begin evaluating an area based on the amount of light found in a room, and they will examine whether the lights are installed in the correct locations. In many cases, rearranging the furniture in an office may solve the lighting issues. If not, the consultant may recommend adding additional lights directly over the desks.


One of the second major issues with lighting involves glares. Most office workers have computers in front of them, and they may spend the majority of their time working on their computers. Glares are commonly associated with computer screens, but they can often be removed by:

  • Moving, adding, or removing lights
  • Covering windows
  • Rearranging furniture
  • Adding anti-glare protective screens to computers

When there is a glare on a computer, it will stop your employees from completing their jobs quickly, and it may also bother their eyes.


The final thing that is examined during a lighting examination involves the contrast in an office building. Contrast refers to the differences in shades of lighting, and having the correct contrast in an office can be highly beneficial to the employees and their ability to see well.

Poor contrast can cause everything in a room to appear blurry or mixed, and this can be solved in several ways, including:

  • Having the right level of lighting in a room
  • Adjusting the monitor levels on the computers (turning them up or down)
  • Positioning computers in ways that remove any glares

Painting the walls in the building a darker color can also help with contrast issues.

Having the right equipment is vital for your office workers, but having proper lighting is also important. If you would like to learn more about this, you can visit a lighting store (such as Electrolight Enterprises Floor Lamps) in your area.
